

本規約は、プラスユー株式会社が提供するサービス「CocoPPa Play」を会員(第2条に定義します。)が利用するにあたっての利用条件を定めるものとします。




弊社が運営する「CocoPPa Play」において提供されるすべてのサービスをいいます。







1. 弊社は、必要に応じて本規約を変更することができるものとします。なお、当該変更された規約は、本サービス上において発表、もしくは弊社が適当と判断する方法による通知、又は告知後一週間経過した時点で、その期間内に会員が登録削除手続を行わない限り、会員によって承諾されたものとみなし、その時点をもって会員との利用規約も有効に変更されたものとみなします。

2. 弊社は、将来において本サービスの事業を継承する会社に、本サービス利用規約上の弊社の地位を譲渡する場合があります。この場合の地位の譲渡の手続には、前項の規定を準用するものとします。


1. 本サービスは、弊社が「CocoPPa Play」を通じて提供する情報収集・閲覧サービス・メッセージサービス・コミュニティサービス・ゲーム・その他のサービスの一切を意味します

2. 会員となることを希望する者は、希望する者本人が、本規約を承認の上で弊社が指定する手続に従って、会員登録申請を行うものとします。

3. 弊社は、前項の登録申請について必要な手続き等を行った上で、当該申請を承諾するかを決定するものとします。ただし、弊社は当該申請を拒絶することができ、また、申請を拒絶した場合に拒絶理由を登録申請者に開示する義務を負わないものとします。

4. 弊社は、前項に従って申請を承諾した場合、登録申請者は会員となり、会員と弊社との間で本規約を内容とする契約が成立するものとします。また、承諾後であっても弊社が利用することを不適当と判断する場合、承諾を取り消す場合があります。 弊社は、利用の承諾をしない、又は承諾を取り消した理由について回答する義務を負いません。


1. 会員は、弊社への登録情報が正確かつ最新であるように保つ責任を負うものとし、登録情報に変更が生じた場合には、弊社が別途指示する方法により速やかに届け出るものとします。

2. 会員が前項の届出を怠ったことにより、本サービスを利用できない等の不利益を被った場合、弊社は一切の責任を負わないものとします。


1. 会員が以下の各号の一に該当する場合、弊社は、事前に通知することなく、直ちに当該会員の本サービスの全部又は一部の利用を停止すること、又は本サービスの提供を終了し、会員の利用資格を取り消すことができるものとし、その場合、会員は利用資格を喪失します。なお、弊社は、利用資格を取り消した会員に対して、取消理由を開示する義務を負わないものとします。









2. 前項により利用資格を喪失した場合には、当該会員は本サービスによって提供されるすべてのサービスを受ける権利を喪失するものとします。また、弊社は、当該会員が再登録申請をした場合、当該申請を承諾しない場合があります。

3. 弊社は、第1項により利用資格を喪失した会員の情報及び保有するコインの全部又は一部を修正、削除することができるものとし、弊社は、かかる弊社の措置から生じた損害についても、一切の責任を負わないものとします。なお、弊社は会員の情報及び保有するコインの全部又は一部を修正、削除した場合に、当該会員に修正、 削除の理由を開示する義務を負わないものとします。


1. 会員は、退会する場合は、弊社が指定する退会手続を経ることとします。

2. 前条第2項および第3項は、本条に基づき退会した場合にも適用されるものとします。


1. 本サービスを利用する端末及び決済情報の管理責任は、会員が負うものとします。

2. 端末使用上の過誤、第三者の使用等による損害の責任は会員が負うものとし、弊社は一切責任を負いません。

3. 本サービスにおいてパスワードの利用が伴う行為については、会員本人以外の第三者による利用および行為の場合も含め、すべて当該会員による利用および行為とみなし、当該会員は、当該利用および行為により生じた一切の債務を負担するものとします。


1. 会員は、弊社が提供する以下のサービスを利用することができます。


会員は、他の会員と、CocoPPa Playの伝言板上においてユーザー同士でコミュニケーションを取ることができます。



1. 会員が、本サービスのご利用に関して第三者の名誉を毀損、又は第三者の著作権、プライバシー、肖像権、その他の一切の権利を侵害した場合等、他の会員又は第三者との間で何らかの紛争が生じた場合、当該会員は自己の責任と負担により解決するものとし、弊社は一切の責任を負わないものとします。

2. 弊社は、本サービスご利用上、次の各号の一に該当すると判断した場合、当該会員の承諾を得ることなく、当該会員が本サービスにおいて、投稿、アップロード又は保存(以下、総称して「掲載」といいます)した全ての情報の全部又は一部を修正、削除できるものとし、弊社は、かかる弊社の措置から生じた損害についても、一切の責任を負わないものとします。なお、弊社は会員が掲載した情報の全部又は一部を修正、削除した場合に、当該情報を掲載した会員に修正、削除の理由を開示する義務を負わないものとします。






3. 弊社は、表示される広告について、その内容の完全性、正確性、適法性、目的適合性、最新性等いかなる保証も行わず、弊社は表示される広告について一切の責任を負いません。掲載された広告サイトの閲覧や広告アプリの利用等は、利用者の責任において行うものとします。

4. 弊社は、提供情報について、その完全性、正確性、適法性、目的適合性、最新性、第三者の権利を侵害しないこと等いかなる保証も行わず、一切の責任を負いません。


1. 本サービスにおいて会員に提供される一切の情報に関する著作権その他の権利は、弊社又は当該権利を有する第三者に帰属します。

2. 本サービスで「購入」その他いかなる表示がされている場合でも、提供情報に関する知的財産権その他の権利は会員に移転せず、会員には弊社が定める範囲で、第三者への譲渡および再許諾ができない、非独占的な、本サービスの利用を唯一の目的とする利用権のみが付与されるものとします。

3. 会員は、提供情報を、有償無償問わず弊社が定める利用態様を超えて利用(複製、改変、送信、転載等を含みます。)することはできません。

4. 会員は、自身が作成した著作物等を、本サービスを通じて掲載した場合、弊社及び他の利用者が本サービスの利用として無償で利用すること、及び弊社が本サービスの宣伝告知等の目的で無償で利用することを許諾するものとし、会員は著作者人格権を行使しないものとします。

5. 会員は、本サービスで掲載された著作物等を当社が認める方法以外で他のウェブサイトに転載することはできません。

6. 会員が、自己が作成した情報に関して、第三者の知的財産権侵害の問題が生じた場合、自己の費用と責任で解決するものとします。

7. 本条の規定に違反して何らかの問題が発生した場合、会員は、自己の費用と責任においてかかる問題を解決するとともに、弊社に何等の迷惑又は損害を与えないものとします。


1. 弊社は、弊社が掲載した提供情報のうちの一部を会員に有償で販売することがあります。

2. 会員は、前項に定める提供情報(以下「有償の提供情報」といいます。)の利用権を、弊社が別途定め本サービス上に掲載する対価を弊社が指定する支払方法により支払うことにより、取得することができます。


1. コインは、本サービス上で「購入」その他弊社が指定する方法により会員に付与されるものとします。コインの購入単位、支払方法、その他の付与条件は弊社が別途定め本サービス上に掲載するものとします。

2. コインは、有償の提供情報又はその他弊社が指定したコンテンツ又はサービスとのみ交換され、その他のコンテンツ又はサービス、現金その他経済上の利益と交換することはできません。有償の提供情報と交換するために必要なコイン数、その他ポイントの利用条件は、弊社が別途定め本サービス上に掲載するものとします。

3. 弊社は、理由の如何を問わず、コインの再発行及び換金をいたしません。また、弊社が特に認める場合又は法令等により払戻しが義務付けられている場合を除き、コインの払戻しは一切いたしません。

4. 弊社が第17条の規定により本サービスを終了もしくは中止する場合、又は、第7条の規定により会員資格が取消もしくは喪失となった場合、第17条第3項所定の一定の周知期間の経過時点で残存コインが消滅するものとします。なお、かかる周知期間中は、新規のコインの取得はできません。

5. 会員は、弊社が特に定めた場合を除き、保有するコインを他の会員に移転、譲渡、貸与しないものとします。



1. 会員は、前2条において規定したとおり、有償の提供情報を利用する対価、有償のコインを取得する対価として、別途弊社が定め、本サービス上で掲示する利用料金を、弊社が指定する支払方法により弊社に支払うものとします。ただし、弊社が認める場合には会員は利用料金をこれに相当する額のコインで支払うことができるものとします。

2. 法令等により払戻しが義務付けられている場合を除き、弊社は、理由の如何を問わず、お支払いいただいた利用料金の返金はいたしません。

3. 未成年者は有償の提供情報の購入、コインの購入にあたり、事前に親権者等、法定代理人の同意を得ることが必要となります。


1. 会員は、本サービスの利用にあたって以下の行為を行ってはならないものとします。



















2. 会員は、会員として有する権利の全部又は一部を第三者に譲渡、売買、貸与、担保に供する行為その他一切の処分行為はできないものとします。

3. 前2項の行為により、何らかの問題が発生した場合、会員は、自己の費用と責任においてかかる問題を解決するとともに、弊社に何等の迷惑又は損害を与えないものとします。


1. 弊社は、会員に事前に通知することなく、本サービスの運用の一部又は全部の変更、追加、終了又は第三者への譲渡をすることができます。ただし、本サービスの全部を終了する場合には、弊社が適当と判断する方法で、事前に会員にその旨を告知します。






3. 弊社は、前項により本サービスの運用の全部又は一部を中断又は中止する場合は、本サイト等弊社が適当と判断する方法で事前に告知します。ただし、緊急の場合には、この限りではありません。

4. 弊社は理由の如何を問わず、本サービスの運用の一部又は全部の変更、中断又は中止によって生じた会員又は第三者の損害について一切の責任を負いません。


1. 弊社の設備もしくは本サービスに障害を生じ、又はその設備が滅失したことを弊社が知ったときは、弊社は速やかにその設備を修理・復旧するよう努めるものとします。かかる場合に、会員又は第三者に損害が生じた場合であっても、弊社は一切責任を負わないものとします。

2. 会員は、自己の負担と責任により、本サービスの利用に必要な通信機器、ソフトウェアその他の機器および通信回線その他の接続環境等を用意、設置、操作し、本サービスを利用可能な状態にするものとします。

3. 会員は、本サービスの利用中に弊社の設備又は本サービスに異常を発見し、弊社に修理又は復旧の旨を請求する場合には、会員自身の設備等に故障がないことを事前に確認するものとします。





1. 弊社は、本サービスの内容、本サービスにより提供する一切の情報、データ等について、その完全性、正確性、適法性、目的適合性、最新性、第三者の権利を侵害しないこと等いかなる保証も行わず、一切の責任を負いません。

2. 弊社は、弊社が本サービスにより提供する一切の情報、データ等、又は会員が掲載する一切の情報、データ等を確実に保存することを保証するものではなく、かかる情報、データ等が消失したとしても、一切の責任を負いません。

3. 本サービスの提供、遅滞、変更、中止もしくは廃止、本サービスを通じて登録、提供される情報等の流失もしくは消失等、およびその他本サービスに関連して発生した会員および第三者の損害について、弊社は一切の責任を負いません。

4. 本サービスの利用に関連して、会員が他の会員もしくは第三者に対して損害を与えた場合、又は会員が他の会員もしくは第三者と紛争を生じた場合、当該会員は自己の費用と責任で解決するものとし、弊社に何等の迷惑又は損害を与えないものとします。また、会員が本サービスの利用に関連して弊社に損害を生じさせた場合は、当該会員は弊社に生じた損害を賠償するものとします。

5. 弊社は、本サービスを提供するコンピューターシステムの稼働状況について保証するものではなく、本サービス提供のためのコンピューターシステムの障害等、いかなる原因に基づき生じた損害についても、一切の責任を負いません。

6. 弊社は、本サービスの利用、本サイトからのダウンロード、コンピューターウイルス感染等により、コンピューター、周辺機器、回線、ソフトウェアなどに生じた損害について、一切の責任を負いません。

7. 本利用規約に従い弊社が会員に対して損害賠償の責任を負う場合であっても、弊社に故意又は重過失が存する場合を除き、弊社が賠償すべき損害の範囲及び上限額は、当該会員に直接かつ現実的に生じた損害に限られるものとし、かつ当該損害の発生した日の属する月に当該会員が本サービス内で支払った利用代金に相当する額を上限とします。


1. 本サービスに関連して会員と弊社との間で問題が生じた場合には、会員と弊社で誠意をもって協議するものとします。

2. 協議しても解決せず訴訟となった場合、東京地方裁判所を第一審の専属的合意管轄裁判所とします。








Terms of Use for CocoPPa Play

Article 1 (Purpose)

These terms of use shall define the conditions when a Member (as defined in Article 2) uses the service titled “CocoPPa Play” provided by Plus U ,Inc.

Article 2 (Definitions)

Definitions of terms used in these terms of use are the following:

(1) “the Company” shall mean Plus U Inc.,.

(2) “this Service” shall mean all the services provided by “CocoPPa Play” which Company operates.

(3) “Member” shall mean a person or non-individual who acknowledges these terms of use and applies to use this Service and is approved by the Company in accordance with the procedures that the Company designates.

(4) “Company-provided Information” shall mean the information such as documents, images and data, etc. which the Company posts to this Service.

(5) “Coins” shall mean the virtual currency issued by the Company and utilizable in the Service with or without consideration by which the Members can obtain the license to use the Company-provided Information provided by the Company for consideration.

Article 3 (Scope of application)

When the Company provides this Service, notices or announcements, etc. of the conditions of use or the precautions, etc. to the Members shall also constitute a part of the terms of use, and if the contents of such notices or announcements, etc. are different from the provisions of these terms of use, such notices or announcements shall prevail.

Article 4 (Amendments to the terms of use)

1. The Company shall be entitled to amend these terms of use when necessary. The amended terms of use shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Members one week after the announcement of such amendment on this Service or by notices or announcements the Company considers appropriate and the terms of use for the Members shall be deemed to have been effectively amended unless the Members delete their registration of membership.

2. The Company may assign its status in the terms of use of this Service to a company which succeeds to the business of this Service in the future. In case of the assignment process of the status of the Company, the former Section shall apply mutatis mutandis.

Article 5 (Terms of Use)

1. The Service shall mean any and all services, including, but not limited to, information collection service, browsing service, messaging service, community service, games and any other services provided by the company through “CocoPPa Play.”

2. Any person or non-individual who wants to become a Member shall agree to the terms of use and apply for a membership registration in accordance with the procedures designated by the Company.

3.The Company will determine whether to accept the application for registration after conducting necessary procedures; provided, however, the Company can decline the application for registration and shall not bear any obligation to disclose to an applicant the reasons for declining.

4.In case the Company approves the application according to the former Section, the applicant for registration becomes a Member and a contract containing the terms of use shall be executed between the Member and the Company. Even after the Company’s approval, in case the Company determines that a person or non-individual is inappropriate to use this Service, the Company can cancel the approval. The Company shall not bear any obligation to disclose the reasons for not granting or canceling the approval.

Article 6 (Notification of Change)

1. Members shall be responsible to keep the registered information to the Company accurate and up-to-date. In case there is a change in the registered information, Members shall quickly notify such change to the Company in a manner separately designated by the Company.

2.The Company assumes no responsibility if Members fail to provide notification as prescribed in the preceding Section and suffer from disadvantages such as an inability to use this Service.

Article 7 (Loss and Cancellation of Membership)

1. If a Member falls under any of the items below, the Company can immediately stop the use of all or part of this Service or terminate the provision of this Service without prior notice and can cancel the eligibility of Membership and the Member will lose the eligibility to use this Service. In addition, the Company does not assume any obligation to disclose the reason of cancelation to those whose eligibility to use this Service was canceled.

(1) When the Company determines that a Member conducted acts prescribed in each Item of the Section 1 of Article 16 or those that may fall into the categories of those acts.

(2) When there is an error in the content of application or registered information.

(3) When the same person or non-individual has duplicate membership registrations; provided, however, the Company may allow the same person or non-individual to hold multiple accounts when required under the activities in this Service such as differentiation by name or product and to the extent that such use is not contrary to the terms of use.

(4) When a Member pretends to be another person or non-individual.

(5) When a person falls in the category of an adult ward, a person under curatorship or a person under assistance, and has not obtained such consent from guardian of adult, curator or assistant (including the case where the decision of the commencement of guardianship was rendered).

(6) If the Company deems that a Member breached or threatened to breach this Agreement.

(7) If a Member does not access this Service for more than a year.

(8) Otherwise, if the Company deems that a Member is ineligible as a Member or deems that it is difficult to maintain the person or non-individual as its Member.

2. If usage eligibilities are lost due to any of the items in the preceding Section, the said Member shall lose the right to receive all the services provided through this Service. If the said Member has made a re-registration application, the Company may not accept the said application.

3. The Company can delete or modify all or part of the information and the Coins of the Member who has lost eligibility in accordance with Section 1 of this Article, and the Company shall not be held responsible for any losses arising out of or in connection with such deletion or modification conducted by the Company. In addition, the Company does not assume any obligation to disclose the reasons of deletion or modification to the Member whose information or Coins have been modified or deleted in whole or part by the Company.

Article 8 (Suspension and/or Deletion of Account)

1. When a Member wants to withdraw, such Member needs to undertake the procedures designated by the Company.

2. Article 7, Sections 2 and 3 shall also apply when a Member withdraws according to this Article.

Article 9 (Terminal Management)

1. Member shall bear responsibility for administering the terminal and payment information for the use of the Service.

2. Member shall bear all responsibility for any and all damages or losses arising out of or in connection with the misuse of the terminal by the said Member and/or use of the terminal by third parties, and the Company shall not bear any responsibility for such damages or losses in any way.

3. Activities accompanying the use of the password in this Service, including acts and use by third parties other than the Member itself, are deemed to be done by such Member and such Member shall bear all the obligations and responsibilities arising from such use and acts.

Article 10 (Use of this Service)

1. Members can use the following services that the Company offers.

(1) Posting Service
-Members can display avatars, dress-up items, and/or other data of images by utilizing and combining the Company-provided Information and can evaluate the images displayed by other Members.

(2) Comment Service
-Members can personally communicate with other Members through this Service on the bulletin board of CocoPPa Play.

(3) Other additional services the Company offers

Article 11 (Posting and Providing Information)

1. In case that a Member slanders any third party's reputation or violates any third party's copyright, privacy, image right or any other rights in connection with the use of the Service and accordingly any disputes arise between the said Member and other Members or any third party, said Member shall at its own responsibility and expense settle such disputes. The Company shall not bear any responsibility for any of the preceding matters.

2. Where the Company deems that the use of the Service by a Member falls under any of the following cases, the Company may amend or delete all or a part of the information posted, uploaded, or stored through the Service by the Member (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Posting”) without obtaining the approval of the Member who posted the information. The Company shall not bear any responsibilities for the damages arising from the above acts of the Company. The Company shall not bear any obligation to disclose to the Member the reasons why the Company amended or deleted all or a part of the information posted by the said Member.

(1) Posting false information.

(2) Abusing a particular person, shop or entity.

(3) Acts deemed to fall under the each Item of the Section 1 of the Article 16 (1).

(4) Any claim of right by third party against a Member regarding the information posted by such Member.

(5) Conducting any other acts which the Company deems inappropriate or necessary to stop posting.

3. The Company shall not guarantee the completeness, accuracy, lawfulness, adequateness for the purpose and novelty, etc. for any advertisements to be displayed and shall not bear any liability thereto. Members shall be solely responsible for its viewing of any sites linked with the posted advertisement or using the advertised applications.

4. The Company shall not guarantee nor be held liable for the completeness, accuracy, lawfulness, adequateness for the purpose, novelty or non-infringement, etc. of the Company-provided Information.

Article 12 (Intellectual Property Rights, etc.)

1. Copyrights and other rights of any and all information provided to the Members in this Service shall belong to the Company or the third party who owns such rights.

2. Notwithstanding the situations where phrases such as “Purchase” and the like appear in this Service, the Company shall not transfer the intellectual property rights and any other right concerning the Company-provided Information to Members and the Company grants the Members rights only within the scope of the Company designated, non-transferrable, non-re-licensable and non-exclusive license solely for the purpose of using this Service.

3. Members are prohibited to use (including copy, modify, transmit, reproduce, etc.) the Company-provided Information beyond the scope of the manner designated by the Company.

4. When Members post copyrighted work, etc. they created through this Service, Members shall grant the Company and other users the license to use such works through this Service without consideration and the Company may use same without consideration for the purpose of the advertisement, etc and the Member shall not exercise the moral rights of the author.

5. Members are prohibited to post any copyrighted works posted in this Service to any other websites in any manner other than approved by the Company.

6. If any problem, such as infringement of any third party's intellectual property rights, occurs in connection with the information which was made by the Member, the Member shall at its own cost and responsibility resolve such problem.

7. If any problem arises as a result of a breach of any provisions of this Article, the Member shall at its own cost and responsibility resolve such problem and hold Company harmless from any troubles or damages.

Article 13 (Sales of the Company-provided Information)

1. The Company may sell some of the Company-provided Information for consideration to Members.

2. Members can obtain the license of the Company-provided Information (“Paid Company-provided Information”) by paying the price the Company separately designates and announces in this Service by the payment methods the Company designates.

Article14 (Coins)

1. Coins are granted to the Members who make a “Purchase” in this Service or in other ways designated by the Company. The Company shall separately designate and announce in this Service the units, payment methods and the other conditions for granting the Coins.

2. Coins shall be exchanged only for the Paid Company-provided Information and other contents or services designated by the Company and cannot be exchanged or used for any other content, services, cash or any other benefits. The Company shall separately designate and announce in this Service the number of Coins required for receiving the Paid Company-provided Information and other conditions to use the Coins.

3. The Company will not convert the Coins into cash or reissue the Coins for any reasons. The Company will not refund the Coins for any reasons other than when obliged by the laws and regulations or when the Company agrees to a special permission.

4. When the Company terminates or interrupts this Service according to Article 17 or when the membership is lost or canceled according to Article 7, the remaining Coins shall terminate after the announcement period prescribed in Article 17, Section 3. In addition, the Members cannot additionally purchase the Coins in the announcement period.

5. Members shall not pass, transfer, or lend their Coins to other Members except in special cases prescribed by the Company.

6. Paid coins shall be deemed as Prepaid Payment Instruments subject to the Payment Services Act (Act No. 59 of 2009,Japan) .Any other digital information purchased by means of Prepaid Payment Instruments is considered to be consumed when it is acquired. Therefore, it is no longer deemed as Prepaid Payment Instruments when the settlement process has been completed.

Article 15 (Charges)

1. As stated in the preceding two Articles, Members shall pay the charges the Company separately designates and announces in this Service by the payment methods designated by the Company regarding the consideration for the using of the Paid Company-provided Information, or for obtaining the Coins with consideration. However, when the Company provides special permission, Members can pay the charges by Coins for the amount equivalent to such charges.

2. The Company will not return the charges for any reasons except when a return of the charges is obligated by the laws and regulations.

3. Upon purchasing the Paid Company-provided Information or the Coins, minors are required to obtain the prior consent from their parents, attorneys for minors, etc.

Article 16 (Prohibitions)

1. Members shall not do the following acts when using this Service:

(1) Acts which fall under the provisions of the each Item of the Section 1 of the Article 7.

(2) Acts infringing or threatening to infringe any third party's or the Company’s intellectual property rights, including copyrights and trademark rights, image rights, publicity rights and other rights.

(3) Acts which the Company deems to be violating or threatened to violate other Member's, any third party's or the Company’s property or privacy.

(4) Acts which the Company deems to be impairing or threatening to impair or damage to other Members, any third parties or the Company.

(5) Acts abusing, slandering or damaging the credit of, or threatening to abuse, slander or damage the credit of other Members, or any third parties or the Company.

(6) Acts which are not approved by the Company and are aimed for gaining profits or preparing to gain profits by using this Service.

(7) Acts deemed by the Company to be or threatened to be offensive to public order and morals such as posting pornographic copyrighted works, etc.

(8) Acts transmitting or enabling to transmit a malicious computer virus or programs.

(9) Acts which will or may result in or which the Company deems to be threatened to result in criminal action.

(10) Pretending to be a third party to use this Service.

(11) Acts to register, file or publish false information.

(12) Double registration of memberships by a single person. Notwithstanding the foregoing, cases especially permitted under Article 7 are excluded.

(13) Acts to hinder the management of this Service.

(14) Defaming the Company or this Service.

(15) Acts deemed by the Company to be violating or threatened to violate laws or regulations.

(16) Acts based on business or commercial use purpose without the Company’s permission.

(17) The use of this Service by companies, organizations or other non-individual entities without the Company’s permission.

(18) Other acts deemed by the Company to be inappropriate.

2. Members cannot dispose of all or a part of the rights of themselves as Members by means of, without limitation, assignment, sale, lease, or securitization to any third parties.

3. If any problems arise due to any of the acts as set forth in the preceding two Sections of this Article, Member shall at its own expense and responsibility resolve such problem and shall hold the Company harmless from any trouble or damage.

Article 17 (Alteration, Interruption or Termination of This Service)

1. The Company is entitled to alter, add, terminate, or assign to any third party all or a part of the operation of this Service without giving prior notice to the Members.

Provided that, if the Company terminates this Service entirely, the Company will give prior notice to the Members of such termination by means which the Company deems appropriate.

2. The Company may interrupt or terminate all or a part of the operation of this Service at its discretion, if any of the following occurs:

(1) Natural disaster, coup or similar emergency occurs or is threatened to occur;

(2) When system maintenance for this Service is periodically or urgently conducted;

(3) When any obstacles occur in the electronic communication system installed by the Company;

(4) When the Company deems it necessary, for example, when other inevitable incidents occur.

3. When the Company interrupts or terminates all or a part of the operation of this Service due to any of the reasons as set forth in the preceding Section, the Company will give prior notice to the Members in a way the Company deems appropriate, including by means of this Website; provided, however, in case of emergency, the Company need not give such prior notice.

4. Irrespective of any reasons, the Company shall not bear any responsibilities for any damage to any third parties due to alteration, interruption or termination of all or a part of the operation of this Service.

Article 18 (Installations)

1. If any failure occurs to any of the Company’s installations or this Service, or it becomes known to the Company that such installations have been lost or damaged, the Company shall strive to promptly repair or recover such installations. In such a case, even if it causes any damage to Members or third parties, the Company shall not bear any responsibilities.

2. Each Member shall at its own expense and responsibility make this Service available by setting necessary communication devices, software or other devices necessary for connecting and arranging, setting and operating a connecting environment and other necessary items.

3. If a Member finds any error in installments or in this Service during the use of this Service and requests Company to repair or restore for such error, Member should check if there is any error in its installations beforehand.

Article 19 ( Handling of personal information)

1.UNITED,Inc. may collect your personal information and additional information relating to you when you use our services.

2.We deal with your personal information and additional information relating to you accordingly to our Privacy Policy indicated in the App. All the users who use our services are to have consent to our Privacy Policy.

Article 20 (Disclaimers)

1. The Company shall not assure nor be responsible for the completeness, accuracy, legality, adequateness for a particular purpose, novelty or non-infringement of third party’s rights of any and all information provided by means of the content of this Service or by means of this Service itself.

2. The Company cannot assure safe storage of all the information and data, etc. provided by the Company through this Service or of all the information and data, etc. which are posted by the Members. The Company shall not bear any liabilities if such information or data, etc. are lost.

3. The Company shall not bear any liabilities for the delay, alteration, interruption or abolition of this Service, or loss or leak of information registered or provided through this Service, and also shall not bear any liabilities for any damage caused to any Member or third party in connection with this Service.

. If a Member damages another Member or third party in connection with the use of this Service, or should a Member have a dispute with another Member or third party, such Member shall resolve such problem at its own costs and responsibility, and shall hold Company harmless from any trouble or damage. If the Company suffers any damage due to such dispute, such Member shall indemnify the damage of the Company.

5. The Company shall not guarantee the operation status of the computer system used to provide this Service and shall not bear any responsibilities for any and all damages caused by any reasons such as computer system errors.

6. The Company shall not bear any liabilities for any damages caused to computers, peripheral equipment, lines or software through using this Service, downloading or infection with a computer virus from the Website of this Service.

7. In case the Company shall bear responsibilities to indemnify for the damages to the Members according to the term of use, excluding when the Company is willful or grossly negligent, the scope of damages which Company shall indemnify shall be limited to that of direct and actual damages to the Members and such damages shall be limited to the total amount of received charges from the Member in this Service in the particular calendar month in which such damages occurred.

Article 21 (Jurisdiction)

1. If any problem arises in connection with this Service between a Member and the Company, both parties shall engage in discussions to resolve such problem in good faith.

2. If the dispute cannot be resolved between the parties and accordingly litigation is filed, the Tokyo District Court shall be the exclusive competent jurisdiction in the first instance.

Article 22 (Languages)

These terms of use are written in Japanese as the original language and translated into English and other languages merely for the sake of Member's convenience.

If there are inconsistencies between the Japanese version and versions in other languages, the Japanese version will prevail over other translated versions.

Article 23 (Governing Law)

The governing law of this Agreement shall be the laws of Japan.


These terms of use shall apply from February , 2013.